Wednesday, September 12, 2012

The Moon - Day 256

A few weeks ago we had some of the most amazing full moons. This picture really doesn't do it justice, but it was the best I could do! The night I took this picture, we were watching a movie. It was a perfectly good movie, but there was no way it could compare to the beautiful scene unfolding out the window next to me. The earth was glowing from the bright light of the moon, and the clouds were gliding by below, sparkling in the silver glow. I spent a while being distracted, then finally stopped the movie and went outside to try to capture it. Even if it isn't a great capture, it allowed me to soak it all in for a few moments. Just me, the moon, and the Creator of the moon on a cool summer evening. Sigh...

“When I admire the wonder of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the Creator.”     Mahatma Gandi

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