Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Dusty old doors - Day 95

I love symbolism. And this past weekend when I was out at my parents house and my daughters were feeding the lambs, I noticed this nifty old door. My mom is kind of the queen of rustic decorating - and this door led into the little animal shelter/barn that they have. It was interesting walking through that door, at the same time that I felt as if I was going back in time, watching my kids do something I grew up doing. Which made me realize all the doors of change that I have gone through, and how grateful I am for where they have led me. It is sometimes tempting to wish to go back to "the good ol' days" - and yet at the same time, I deeply cherish where the path has led me, and wouldn't give it up for a moment. All those moments are pages in my story, and I am grateful for them.

“So live that your memories will be part of your happiness.”   Unknown

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