Saturday, May 12, 2012

Courage - Day 133

This picture - and this place - will always speak courage to me. This is Hanauma Bay in Hawaii, and here I conquered, at least for a while, one of my fears. I have recently taken some swim lessons, but I wouldn't say I really know how to swim. I know in my head...but my body doesn't want to cooperate when my feet don't touch and fear takes over. Here however, with the help of my sweet sis-in-law (who swam with me and held my hand the whole way), I determined that it was worth it to conquer the fear - and oh the sweet rewards! I snorkeled and saw a whole different world under the water - and had the opportunity to swim with a TURTLE!!! If you look at the picture, it all happened smack dab in the middle of what you see. I still can't believe it...but I will remember that feeling for quite a while - that feeling that I had just conquered the world...and call it to mind when fear raises it head again...

“Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the judgement that something else is more important than fear.”   Ambrose Redmoon

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